Saturday, September 28, 2013

The Death of Patroclus

        Nestor let slip his suggestion to the favorite companion of Achilleus, Patroklos; don the armor of Achilleus to inspire the Achaians. We need a moral-booster; if we can't get the stubborn Achilleus back, then its the next best thing...if Patroklos will go for it, Achilleus will let him use his armor, and the men will believe it. Aias is tiring under the will of Zeus and Hektor has lopped off the head of his sea spear. Our defenses are weakening.
        The messengers tell me that Achilleus and his Myrmidon troops have entered the battle near the ships like wolves among lambs, (I am impressed with Patroklos' skill as actor and warrior), driving the Trojans into retreat. Drunk with triumph, they continue, forcing the enemy back towards the city. Where this will end is anyone's guess.

Hermes conducts the soul of Sarpedon into the afterlife.

        Word has it that Patroklos is paving a path of destruction; he has speared Thestor, Thrasymelos, and even Zeus' son, Sarpedon. Hector then joined the fight for Sarpedon's body, seemingly with Apollo's protection, as Patroklos faltered for no apparent reason. Achilleus' armor simply fell away from his body; taking advantage of this lack of protection, Euphorbos threw a javelin between his shoulders and Hektor finished him with a stab to the belly. Brother Menelaos and Aias bravely guarded the body from desecration; Hektor grabbed Achilleus' armor. I am guessing that, by now, Achilleus has learned the bad news about Patroklos. If the defense of his favorite companion doesn't bring him into the battle, I don't know what will.

The body of Patroklos lifted from the field by fellow Greeks.

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