Sunday, September 15, 2013

Where is Achilles When You Need Him?

        With the battle raging, we must remain strong in our resolve to defeat our enemy. It may be interpreted as weakness by the Trojans, and is disrespectful to the gods who support us.  After killing Elatos from Satnioeis, I came upon Menelaos, nearly convinced to take Adrestos as captive. Reminding him how poorly the Trojans had treated him so far, I urged Menelaos to show them the same lack of regard; kill Adrestos rather than ransom him. Show our enemy no mercy!

        Later, Menelaos bravely stepped forward to take on Hector after his challenge to any Archaean on the front line. I knew that my brother was no match for this mightly warrior, so I talked him out of it. Instead, Ajax, winning a lottery, fights Hector and even manages to draw blood. But, with the challenge called off for the night by Zeus, the two warriors become fast friends and exchange gifts to mark that accord. I honored Ajax with special cuts of meat from our feast to mark his bravery. Despite our best efforts, the battle is favoring the Trojans, who have driven us back to our ships. Have the gods deserted us? Although I hate to admit it, we need Achilles, our mightiest soldier, to join the fray, rally the troops, and turn the tide in our favor.

The Tide Turns Against the Achaeans

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