Sunday, October 6, 2013

Achilleus Engaged

One of my servants, in love with a Myrmidon, was told by him how extremely grieved they all were over the death of Patroklos, especially Achilleus. Embracing his dead companion, he was beside himself that the body would decay while he, at last, readied himself  for battle against the accursed enemy. His goddess mother turned up, however—bringing him an outstanding new suit of armor made by the gods—and promised to keep him from rotting until the burial.
        Upon hearing Achilleus' battle cries, even with my wound given to me by Koön, I rushed out to meet him. After everyone had gathered along the seashore, injured and battle-weary, Achilleus spoke directly to me, saying, "Son of Atreus, was this after all the better way for both, for you and me, that we, for all our hearts' sorrow, quarreled together for the sake of a girl in soul-perishing hatred? I wish Artemis had killed her beside the ships with an arrow on that day when I destroyed Lyrnessos and took her. For thus not all these too many Achainans would have bitten the dust, by enemy hands, when I was away in my anger."
        I thought to myself that if he would have only accepted by my authority as king over him, this would have never happened. But I am weary of my anger also and just want an end to it. Let Achilleus say what he wants. I only want to beat Troy so we can return home. I told the entire assembly of Achainans that Zeus, Destiny, and Erinys the mist-walking deluded me into taking the girl. I really have enough women to worry about; he can have her back and all the gifts I promised besides. I'll even swear that I never touched her; I just want Achilleus back out on the battlefield! Now that he's back, in all anger over Patroklos, I can see that taking on more and more of the godlike qualities of his mother...he almost seems inhuman. My slaves overheard his horse, Xanthos, prophesying his death; let us hope he is with us long enough to be able to heap his pent-up rage over Patroklos' death upon the Trojans!

Achilleus and the body of Patroklos
Nicoli Ge - 1855

   It is certain that the gods are now back with both sides, as all the warriors' seem to be supernaturally inspired in their fighting. Runners tell me that Achilleus is fighting like one possessed, mowing down all in his path. Achilleus almost caught up with Hektor, but he disappeared into thin air; a god must be protecting him.

Achilleus trying to outdo me with his new armor.

        It is certain that the gods are now back with both sides, as all the warriors' seem to be supernaturally inspired in their fighting. Runners tell me that Achilleus is fighting like one possessed, mowing down all in his path. Achilleus almost caught up with Hektor, but he disappeared into thin air; a god must be protecting him.

 Achilleus' new shield - making him look like the center of everything.

       Achilleus has really got his aristeia on; he is a killing machine showing no mercy! He managed to keep twelve Trojans alive so that they could be sacrificed later in honor of Patroklos. The river Skamandros was piling up with his victims and we thought for a while that the river god was going to kill Achilleus for defiling his waters. But Achilleus, the near-god that he now is, just managed to get away after the gods beat the river back with fire. Achilleus resumed his killing spree. Madness reigns; its as if all the men and gods in the universe are fighting one another.

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