Saturday, September 28, 2013

Battle for the Ships; Zeus' Distraction

        We never thought the Trojans would leave the security of Ilion; now they sorely test our fortified ditches. I can only hope that they saw the eagle flying overhead, bitten by its intended prey, the snake, as a bad omen. Although we fight like the snake, the gods continue to favor our enemy. We were disconcerted when Zeus sent his son, Sarpedon, with splendid bronze shield and two spears, leading hordes of Lykians. The battle was at a standstill, even with the mighty Aias, but Zeus enabled the Trojans to finally break through our heavy gate, winning them the greater glory. Poseidon must have felt pity for us, as he turned our fear to strength as the battle continued.
        Even though we had some success, I still had a very bad feeling about this whole undertaking. While some may have considered it was cowardliness, I felt it was for the best that we got back in the ships, anchored in deep water for the night away from the fighting, and then headed home. Odysseus, again reinvigorated our fighting spirit and berated me for considering this plan. This must be the will of Zeus; Hektor declared that he would not return to Ilion until the Achaians were dead and our ships ablaze. How frustrating it is to watch from the sidelines, injured. Nestor thought we shouldn't fight, but Diomedes believes the wounded should rejoin the battle. It seems like the men are, just like Achilleus, all angry at me and unwilling to give it their all, so I just gave in; it seemed to be the will of the rest of the Achaians to keep fighting.

Ajax Defends Greek Ships Against Trojans

        If only there was some way to distract Zeus' attention for a little while...we might be able to gain the upper hand again...

Annibale Carracci - The Loves of the Gods

        It seems that a god must have heard my wish, as mighty Aias struck Hektor with a very large stone...some of the men tried to grab his body, but the Trojans got there before us. We were overjoyed that Aias rid us of that scourge but suddenly Hektor appeared again, as strong as ever. Spooked,  Danaäns headed for their ships, but Aias succeeded in rallying the men and then nobly defended the ship with a long sea spear.

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