Friday, October 11, 2013

After the Trojan War

Paralleling numerous references to lions in the Iliad is The Lion's Gate of Agamemnon's Mycenae.

        After ten long years, we Achaians finally succeeded in subjugating Troy, razing the city to the ground and dividing the plunder. For my part I received an abundance of wealth; gold and slaves, and—as befitting a conquering king—the Trojan king's daughter, Cassandra, for my concubine. My Tіμη level is soaring. I could have stayed away longer with the other men—many ripe lands along the way to plunder—but I want to get back home to enjoy the adoration of my people for this successful campaign. I miss my wife and family too; I need to reinstate my power and make sure things are going smoothly with my estate and possessions. I don't think Clytemnestra ever got over me killing her husband and baby; I want to see what she's been up to all this time; also, I want to impress upon Cassandra what a mighty and powerful leader I am.

My Newest Possession, Cassandra - Ajax and Cassandra by Solomon Joseph Solomon, 1886

        The trip back to Mycenae was uneventful, except for getting blown off our path for a short time. I was showered with accolades by the people, and even Clytemnestra seems happy to see me...that is, until she saw my newest concubine. If I didn't know better, I'd say she was plotting something. My friends seemed to want to tell me something, but I was so involved with the homecoming celebration and reacquainting with my wife, that I just set that uncomfortable feeling aside for the time being; but something definitely wasn't right. I'll deal with it soon.

 Death of Agamemnon, Aegisthos with sword. Detail from Athenian red-figure clay vase about 500-450 BC. 

Red Clay Vase as above

Red Clay Vase as above.

        Agamemnon's life, loves, and death at the hand of his wife and cousin seem diametric to Odysseus' experiences. Agamemnon's own strong will always seemed to clash with others, while Odysseus was more likely to want to work things out. Agamemnon's women always wanted someone else, while the lovers of Odysseus yearned for him. Agamemnon got to go home after the Trojan war and got killed by those who plotted against him, while Odysseus didn't get to go home for a long time, but when he did, he plotted to kill those who would do his family harm. Agamemnon is dead; Odysseus lives happily ever after.

The Funeral Procession of Agamemnon
Louis-Jean Desprez - 1787

        Agamemnon does finally get revenge through the actions of his son, Orestes. Banished, like his father had been as a young man, he finally returns seven years after the murder and kills his mother and her lover, Aegisthus. Unlike Odysseus, and his mildly-perilous trials, Agamemnon faced serious hazards and tribulations throughout his life, up until his untimely death. One might, therefore, be a little less critical in  their judgement of Agamemnon, who had to fight both men and gods to first gain and, then, retain the kingship of Mycenae through the respect of his people.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

The Aristeia of Achilleus

        I have to give Hektor respect; beg as they might, his family's desperate cries could not get him inside the walls of Troy. He was the only barrier left between his people and their destruction. Like a true champion, he faced the terrible Achilleus, even though he probably knew he was doomed to lose. Achilleus' godly fury was palatable, so much so that Hektor's courage failed him. The gods must have been humiliated for him as ran for his life three times around the walls of the city, as Achilleus chased him like a hunter pursuing a rabbit. His brother, Deiphobos, suddenly appeared, giving him the courage to stand and face his pursuer. After asking for an agreement regarding respectful treatment of each other's body, which Achilleus refused, he threw his spear, only striking the shield. Turning to his brother for another, Deiphobos vanished...the gods must have been playing games with his life. He was now left defenseless. Achilleus' first throw is retrieved by a god and the second found its mark in a break between Achilleus' old armor that Hektor now wore. Will the killing of Hektor quench Achilleus' anger? Knowing the depths of his wrath myself all too well, I doubt it. 

Achilleus fights the Trojans
Pottery - National Archaeological Museum, Florence

        Achilleus came to my encampment, bloody from battle, demanding a burning pyre for Patroklos. The next day I ordered my men to gather timbers and build a huge grave mound along the beach. They brought the body to the pyre and threw locks of their hair upon it. Achilleus asked me to disperse the people so those closed to Patroklos could have some privacy to mourn, so I told the Achaians to leave and the mourners made their sacrifices, and additional sacrifices were made in order to light the pyre. Achilleus threatened to feed Hektor to the dogs, but the gods must have been protecting him still, as, no matter how hard Achilleus and his men tried, the body remained pristine and unmolested. After the bones were buried, Achilleus sponsored games, with many wonderful prizes, all in Patroklos' honor. It was a very cathartic experience for all.

Achilles Displaying the Body of Hector before Priam and the Body of Patroclus
Early 19th century - Unidentified artist, French, 19th century - Museum of Fine Arts, Boston

        The only way old Priam could have made it into the Achaian camp alive to beg for his son was through the help of the gods. There he encountered the Myrmidon, Argeiphontes, who told the old man, "Aged sir, neither have any dogs eaten him [Hektor], nor have the birds, but he lies yet beside the ship of Achilleus at the shelters, and as he was; now here is the twelfth dawn he has lain there, nor does his flesh decay, nor do worms feed on him, they who devour men who have fallen in battle. It is true, Achilleus drags him at random around his beloved companion's tomb, as dawn on dawn appears, yet he cannot mutilate him; you yourself can see when you go there how fresh with dew he lies, and the blood is all washed from him nor is there any corruption, and all the wounds have been closed up where he was struck, since many drove the bronze in his body. So it is that the blessed immortals care for your son, though he is nothing but a dead man; because in their hearts they loved him."

Achilleus' rage remains unquenched 
Hector Exposed on the Banks of the Xanthus River, Jean-Baptiste Deshays (1729-1765)

        I learned from my experience with Chryses that it is better to return the child of one who so earnestly supplicates for their release; the gods favor the compassionate. If I would have accepted the ransom for Chryseis at once, it would have prevented the death of many of my people from plague, the grounding of our ships, and risking my own daughters life. I like to think that Achilleus learned from my mistake, accepting Priam's appeal for his son's body; it is good that he has allowed the Trojans to grieve for and honor their own hero. 

Priam pleads Achilleus for the body of his son, Hektor

Achilleus Engaged

One of my servants, in love with a Myrmidon, was told by him how extremely grieved they all were over the death of Patroklos, especially Achilleus. Embracing his dead companion, he was beside himself that the body would decay while he, at last, readied himself  for battle against the accursed enemy. His goddess mother turned up, however—bringing him an outstanding new suit of armor made by the gods—and promised to keep him from rotting until the burial.
        Upon hearing Achilleus' battle cries, even with my wound given to me by Koön, I rushed out to meet him. After everyone had gathered along the seashore, injured and battle-weary, Achilleus spoke directly to me, saying, "Son of Atreus, was this after all the better way for both, for you and me, that we, for all our hearts' sorrow, quarreled together for the sake of a girl in soul-perishing hatred? I wish Artemis had killed her beside the ships with an arrow on that day when I destroyed Lyrnessos and took her. For thus not all these too many Achainans would have bitten the dust, by enemy hands, when I was away in my anger."
        I thought to myself that if he would have only accepted by my authority as king over him, this would have never happened. But I am weary of my anger also and just want an end to it. Let Achilleus say what he wants. I only want to beat Troy so we can return home. I told the entire assembly of Achainans that Zeus, Destiny, and Erinys the mist-walking deluded me into taking the girl. I really have enough women to worry about; he can have her back and all the gifts I promised besides. I'll even swear that I never touched her; I just want Achilleus back out on the battlefield! Now that he's back, in all anger over Patroklos, I can see that taking on more and more of the godlike qualities of his mother...he almost seems inhuman. My slaves overheard his horse, Xanthos, prophesying his death; let us hope he is with us long enough to be able to heap his pent-up rage over Patroklos' death upon the Trojans!

Achilleus and the body of Patroklos
Nicoli Ge - 1855

   It is certain that the gods are now back with both sides, as all the warriors' seem to be supernaturally inspired in their fighting. Runners tell me that Achilleus is fighting like one possessed, mowing down all in his path. Achilleus almost caught up with Hektor, but he disappeared into thin air; a god must be protecting him.

Achilleus trying to outdo me with his new armor.

        It is certain that the gods are now back with both sides, as all the warriors' seem to be supernaturally inspired in their fighting. Runners tell me that Achilleus is fighting like one possessed, mowing down all in his path. Achilleus almost caught up with Hektor, but he disappeared into thin air; a god must be protecting him.

 Achilleus' new shield - making him look like the center of everything.

       Achilleus has really got his aristeia on; he is a killing machine showing no mercy! He managed to keep twelve Trojans alive so that they could be sacrificed later in honor of Patroklos. The river Skamandros was piling up with his victims and we thought for a while that the river god was going to kill Achilleus for defiling his waters. But Achilleus, the near-god that he now is, just managed to get away after the gods beat the river back with fire. Achilleus resumed his killing spree. Madness reigns; its as if all the men and gods in the universe are fighting one another.